Floaters - a weird name for a personal blog don't you think?

Hello there, and welcome to my personal blog. I named this 'Floaters' , which personally I find intriguing and am leaving this explanation here for my future self, and for anyone else who stumbles across this blog.

 Taking a medical description of floaters:
"Floaters are little “cobwebs” or specks that float about in your field of vision. They are small, dark, shadowy shapes that can look like spots, thread-like strands, or squiggly lines. They move as your eyes move and seem to dart away when you try to look at them directly."

Floaters are always there, and they only come into our focus when we pay close attention to them. Moving your eyes can help shift them elsewhere, or getting back into the world will make you overlook them. But they're always there, sliding around in our vision. From the perspective of our vision, they are omnipresent. Present in every sight we see.

I find this to be a wonderful similitude to our minds and thoughts. We've innumerable thoughts, some valuable, some painful. But one way or another, we always carry them with us everywhere. And when we do take a minute to stop, these thoughts come up to the surface, and that's when we realize that they are there, hiding in plain sight and below the ocean of our daily lives. A sleeping giant, which stems from our subconscious. We can shift our focus, get lost in our lives and forget about them but they never go away. They can either be our demons, or our closest companions. And they are just as omnipresent in our souls.

So this blog is primarily a timestamp for my mind, where I put my floaters out into the world so that I may never forget them. Maybe one day I'll look back and see how my floaters have driven me subconsciously. An older self, looking back at a younger, more naive self.


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